Well its not that I’ve run out of things to blog about, its that I can’t figure out what is the most interesting or important.
Here are some of the topics that I’m psyched about.
Mars - Our newest efforts to explore Mars has entered into orbit around the red planet. I’m anxious to see the hi-resolution pictures start streaming in. I was fantasizing about the day that humans inhabit Mars. When we send video messages by radio frequencies from Mars to Earth, there will be a delay of over 4 minutes. (48 million miles / 186000 miles per second) But if we had a powerful telescope that could watch the person making the video message, the image from the telescope would appear simultaneous to the message.

Turkey Shoot – Last week was the last week for my pool league. Today is a tournament where the top shooters from each team compete for prize money and fun. I happened to win more games than my team mates, so I get the honor in participating in the Turkey Shoot. I spent some time practicing yesterday and it went well, but it’s different when the pressure is on. Wish me luck.

Primary Mayoral – I voted on the 7
th in the local primaries for mayor of Tulsa.
It turns out that my candidate for mayor and city council lost.
Does this mean I get to complain when things don’t go my way?
I’ve always heard that if you don’t vote you can’t complain.

Las Vegas – On Tuesday this week I’m off to Las Vegas for the NSCA Expo. I will be attending courses in WiFi networks, VLAN fundamentals, Programming for the Human Interface, and a couple of business related seminars. I don’t plan on gambling too much, but it will be cheaper to plug a nickel machine and get the free drinks than to buy the drinks at the bar. The last time I was there I spent $12 for two Coronas. I plan on taking the laptop and keeping up the blog while there, if I can get Internet access in the hotel.
There are other topics in the news and in my life, but most of the topics in the news have been well covered by Stardust and others. The happenings in my life are pretty boring by comparison.