The New Nickel

However, if they're going to redesign the coin why not give some consideration to changing the bold capitalized phrase to something more positive. "IN GOD WE TRUST" sounds like we have to be afraid of something and need to trust in a miracle to save us.
When will people grow up and stop placing mindless faith in mythology?
Perhaps the phrase "VENI VEDI VICI" would be more appropriate. Jefferson's westward expansion was accomplished with the attitude of "We came, we saw, we conquered."
I completely agree. I've always thought that In God We Trust should be taken off our money. I'd boycott, but that would be a little impractical. Its not just the fact that I’m an atheist that makes me want to remove the god reference from our money. It seems a little sacrilegious and hypocritical for “people of faith” to plaster god’s name all over the one thing at the heart of most of the evil being done in the world. What is it supposed to mean? I buy this Mercedes in the Lord’s name?
And yea, God spoketh unto me and said, to prove your love of me you shall plaster my name all over the currency you trade at the earthly den of Starbucks. And so as He spake it, we spent it. And it was good. Amen.
I love it when you rant! You make very good points.
May the Lord have mercy upon you all who side with Rusko. You need to have faith in Jesus because He will come again to judge us.
I love how the scornful poster was so confident in his/her belief to post as anonymous. Dumb-ass!
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