Monday, July 27, 2009

New Spot on Jupiter

Jupiter's colorful atmosphere is 86 percent hydrogen and 14 percent helium, with tiny amounts of methane, ammonia, phosphine, water, acetylene, ethane, germanium and carbon monoxide. The chemicals are responsible for producing the different colors of Jupiter's clouds.

There's a new small dark spot on Juipiter. Maybe a comet.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Why is Bill O'Reilly Such A Dick?

Bill says he's not offended because he doesn't care about what "you guys" think, although he had Fred on his show and asked him a lot of questions. Bill says he thinks that religious people would be offended by the billboard because of the question "Why believe in a God?". But what Bill doesn't realize is that there are nearly 20 percent of Americans who deal with his prejudices daily. Atheists and "Humanists" have to contend with reminders everyday that they live in an oppressed nation.

Bill's smirks and constant butting in really make him look like an idiot. He is obviously not an intellectual ready to have a meaningful discussion about any opposing world views.

Oppressions and offensive displays toward non-religious people:

1. We have "In God We Trust" all over our federal notes. (A clear violation of the first amendment.) The United States was NOT founded on “Christian principles” as so many under-educated rednecks would have you believe. The phrase “In God We Trust” did not appear on our paper money until 1957 when the religious got involved in the propaganda campaign against the godless germans. The phrase appeared on coins much earlier during the civil war. Many intellectuals fought it at the time, but alas the vote was dominated by the flock. So now the non-religious people have to live with a constant reminder that they are in a country that is being overrun by self righteous hypocrites.

2. Presidential Prayer Breakfast. Congressional Session Opening Prayer. Prayer in School. All of which are violations of the separation of church and state. I know that they don't force students and attendees to pray, but they do have to stand there quietly and listen to the crap.

3. There are churches of every denomination on every street corner especially in the southern cities. And no where for non-religious people to congregate for fellowship, personal fulfillment and growth. (Except maybe the bars on every street corner.) Lately, there are some organizations growing locally that offer some relief, and one of those is the Humanist Association.

4. The Ten Commandments. Nativity Scenes. You would think a government building would be more appropriately displaying the Ten Ammendments, but people had to initiate law suits in order to get certain governers to take the monuments down. Still some states display the commandments. Reference

5. Business organizations. There are hundreds of groups like "The Christian Businessmen's Association" that strive to give advantageous treatment to others in the group. Kinda like a 'good old boys' network. And this is considered an acceptable practice, but if an "Atheist Business Alliance" were to form, it would be such a threat to the good old boys that it would probably get bombed like the abortion clinics.

6. Parochial Schools. The Texas Christian University comes to mind. There are lots of seminaries that take young people's money and train them to be preachers, but what if an Atheist College started up. It might be a good thing to educate the young people that atheism is not a bad word.

And Bill O'Rielly is worried that someone may be offended by one billboard that asks one question. What is he afraid of? And why is he such a dick about it?

More Christian Priveleges (Thanks Randomwitticism)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Checkmate Dumbass!

This post is in response to This YouTube Video
"Trilobites, like this perfectly preserved specimen at South Dakota's Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, were among the most successful organisms ever to populate Earth. These familiar marine arthropods first arose about 545 million years ago in the early Cambrian and thrived throughout the world's oceans until they were wiped out in the Permian extinctions about 250 million years ago." - National Geographic

Checkmate dumbass!

It's guys like EdwardCurrent that I'm poking fun at, not good christians. He makes the claim that he has, "Ten absolute, irrefutable, God-approved proofs that Christians are right and atheists are dumb and deluded!"

(Wait... this is one of the funniest videos on YouTube ever. He's so ... um, dumbass looking and acting. Anyway. He's a satirist. No, I didn't say Satanist. His YouTube videos are parodies of what most fundamental christians base their belief on. Some funny stuff!)

The difference between my "checkmate" (points at fossil Duh?) and his Ten Checkmates is the evidence. He has no evidence to overcome his burden of truth. And you don't really need a preponderance of evidence. Just any evidence. To be taken seriously. I mean if you want to call it checkmate. And I do think he means it in the "I'm right, you're wrong" sense.

If you beleive his claims without any real evidence, here's a great site for you. UFOs, Ghosts, Bigfoot, Conspiracy Theories and More.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Classical and Elegant Gift From Carl Sagan